When researching elderberries, you will find that they have been used for thousands of years due to their reputation of being natural immune support and helping fight cold and flu symptoms and possibly even shortening sickness duration. They are said to be amazing sources of vitamins and are packed full of antioxidants. Along with many other health benefits the elderberries are claimed to have, every single ingredient in this kit has been chosen to to the benefits that they are also claimed to have....and they taste DELICIOUS in combination!
This Elderberry Syrup Kit is made with all organic ingredients using no preservatives or chemicals! It includes detailed instructions and all of the dried ingredients needed to make your very own delicious Elderberry Syrup...all you need is water and raw local honey. Each kit will yield approximately 16oz of syrup; however, this can vary based off the amount the liquid reduces during the preparation of the product or with how much honey/maple syrup is added to sweeten the syrup once the product is cooled.
If you plan to add raw local honey, make sure not to give it to children younger than 1 year of age. Alternative sweeteners like maple syrup or agave nectar can be used for children 6-12 months of age.
When preparing this recipe, it is helpful to have a fine mesh strainer lined with a cheese cloth available to keep fine particles out of syrup during the straining part of the process.
DIY Elderberry Syrup Kit
Due to the nature of this item, these kits are not eligible for returns, refunds, or exchanges.